Technical Information (MGB 16A) Harland Sharp Roller Rockers and Tubular Pushrod Information Last Updated 2/28/07 I would like to bring to your attention the following important items:
NOTE: Our custom made Harland Sharp roller rockers, manufactured by Custom Speed Parts, now have this particular area of the roller rocker extrusion enlarged to prevent contact. However, it is still advisable to heed the warning given. If you are having this problem, the rectification would be to install shorter pushrods, Unfortunately, this problem is not usually discovered until final engine assembly, which usually means that you have already purchased your 5/16” tubular pushrods. To this end Moss Motors supplies slightly shorter than stock versions under part number 460-616, and are sold separately. Be reminded these pushrods require the fitting of 18V type shorter lifters. However, on the other side of the spectrum, if you are having trouble with running out of adjusting threads, longer adjusting screws are available thru Mini-Mania under part number CAEA692. Phone contact: (530) 470-8300.